The end of loneliness

Digital Avatars, Focus: AR/VR, Macro trends, Thought bites, Virtual reality

Reposted from linkedin Heard a really sweet story today by Donna Z. Davis, Ph.D. at AWE (Augmented World Expo): she told the audience about an elderly woman with Parkinson’s, who regularly “meets” her tuxedo clad physically distant son (avatar) in VR to go dancing with him. *That’s* the power of VR for me. Not the whiz bang isn’t it cool game stuff, it’s the human element – and how much better it can make people’s lives. On the We Get Real AF Podcast (airing in June) I was asked what I thought the ultimate benefit of VR would be:

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Reading my mind

Artificial intelligence, BCI, Brain - computer interface, Convergence, Facebook post, Thought bites

Fascinating stuff. And, whoa. The inevitable march towards brain-computer interface continues! “Researchers from Russian corporation Neurobotics and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have found a way to visualize a person’s brain activity as actual images mimicking what they observe in real time. “ We are rapidly moving from keyboard and mouse input – which, although we’ve done it so long that it *seems* natural, but it is not – to spatial input; this is truly an astounding leap towards natural computing. I applaud the application that this particular work is working towards (helping

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Is Projection Mapping Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality, Focus: AR/VR, Thought bites

Is projection mapping augmented reality? I’ve been mulling this over on and off since a few years ago, since being utterly mesmerized by Amon Tobin’s projection mapping concert.  And since this made the rounds in 2015. My knee jerk reaction is – no! Upon further reflection, I’m not so sure. It augments the real world with enhanced data; so why not? Does augmented reality have to mean enhanced information, or does it include *any* data overlay (even just the pretty kind) – and so what if the digital being overlaid, maps to the surface

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