A journalist asks: XR predictions for 2022

Augmented reality, Predictions, Virtual reality, Virtual world technology, XR

I was asked by a journalist to answer the question, “What do you see as the biggest trends in AR/VR/XR in 2022?” – and although I typically think a little further out than that, here are some of my thoughts on the matter. I took out the bits he’s using in the article, and will post links to that when it comes out – but these are what I think some of the most important short term trends for XR will be next year.

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TEDx RoseTree 2019 done and dusted!

Appearances & Press, LinkedIn post, Predictions, Virtual reality

TEDx RoseTree 2019 done! What a fabulous experience – I met so many amazing people, and thoroughly enjoyed being in the middle of the vortex of ideas and creativity. My talk “How VR will supercharge grassroots movements” will be posted by TED soon, and I’ll update it here when they do. In the meantime, I’d like to thank Stacy Olkowski and her team for the herculean amount of work pulling this all together must have been. Well done! It always takes one person with a vision and a lot of persistence to get the

TEDx RoseTree 2019 done and dusted! Read More »

Going to be a published author!

Appearances & Press, Artificial intelligence, Augmented reality, Branding, Digital Avatars, Focus: AR/VR, Predictions, Virtual reality

So my first professional book chapter’s been officially submitted, “Immersive Media and Branding: How being a brand will change and expand in the age of true immersion” (could still be changed) for all those curious. It is about virtual and augmented reality, and what it will mean for brands. Among other things, I talk a lot about how artificial intelligence and how it will inform digital avatars, which are fully fleshed out 3D interactive brand ambassadors. Fascinating thing to think about; literally fleshing out what your brand is, and what that will mean for

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Panel appearance at Creative Tech Week 2017

Appearances & Press, Focus: AR/VR, Innovation, Predictions, speaking engagements, Virtual reality

For those who are curious…here’s the full panel discussion exploring the future of VR and entertainment that I was a part of at Creative Tech Week 2017 back in June. Thank you to Isabel Walcott Draves and Cortney Harding for asking me to participate; it was great to be part of an event this forward thinking, and meet co-panelists Victoria Pike, Joel Douek, David Lobser and Jenya Lugina. Honored to be in such impressive company!

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