Tying it all together

Artificial intelligence, Facial recognition, Social mores

Giggle that it’s used to target porn actresses, but facial recognition is a big threat to privacy in the coming future: I blogged in 2011 how when it reached the point where it can tie together social networks and websites (plus content, as in the actress’ case) and staying anonymous will be impossible. Tie in surveillance, CCTV, traffic light, and other cameras and – you can be tracked 24/7.  

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Authentic belongingness: Community, context and culture in a digital world

Artificial intelligence, Best of, Branding, Data & analytics, Social mores

Belongingness: The human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, or a sports team, humans have an inherent desire to belong and be an important part of something greater than themselves. The motive to belong is the need for “strong, stable relationships with other people.”   Birds flock, fish school, humans….? What do humans do? It’s something I’m always thinking about. What are we hardwired for? It’s relevant to technology opportunities since to tap into them requires understanding what the human animal needs/wants at a primal

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The island of “me”: Digital narcissism, personalization, and ego

Customization, Digital marketing, Social mores

I’m intrigued by a pet observation that’s been swirling and coalescing in my little head lately: namely, the internet – an instant platform for all our own little opinions and soapboxes – has made us all think we’re important. Way too important, actually. The digital world has given us our proverbial “15 minutes of fame” – except, when everyone have a loud opinion, perversely none count, and the soapbox isn’t 15 minutes, but forever. It used to be that you knew your relative importance in the world – possibly you shared your opinion with

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Disparity and consequences: How technology will create an opportunity divide

Social mores

Technology – particularly the Internet – was hailed as “the great leveler” in the early days, and indeed it many ways it has been. But I was struck by a comment on someone’s post today, that both of his grandchildren – 4½ and 7½ – were getting iPads in their xmas stockings. “Really?” I thought. Those things are not cheap, and I don’t believe childproof. But what struck me wasn’t the obvious display of disposable income (shocking to my thoroughly calvinist upbringing lol – still working on that), but that those kids are being handed

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Pugnacious twats: Anger issues in an interactive world

Social mores

I’ve had a few unsavory run-ins (and yes, that’s the right word) with people on other people’s Facebook discussions lately. You know, the kind when you’re innocuously commenting on someone’s post and then “bam!” someone who feels the need to aggressively disagree shows up. The kind of interaction that frankly just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Typically these run-ins are followed by a private message from the original poster, who’s connected to both of you (and is now in the middle) explaining that while this person is indeed resembling nothing more than

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