Younger me is calling

Causes, Focus: AR/VR, LinkedIn post, Virtual reality

Just read this article: “Through the digital lens: How VR can inspire better managers“. Subheader is, “Virtual reality has the power to change the world. But first, it has to change how straight white men think.” It stuck a very personal chord. Doing my MBA at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, I was one of a small handful of women in a class of about 100 people. The professors’ speech defaulted to “he” and “him” for everything – I started raising my hand at every opportunity to point out the inherent “otherness” this created,

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Opportunity Lost: NikeFuel, Gamification & Making a Difference

Apparel, Branding, Causes, Games, Quantified Self, Wearables

Nike+ & NikeFuel are beautiful examples of a brand living their values (Just Do It!) via technology and community. A new campaign by one of the biggest consumer brands in the world brings those elements into sharp focus by combining user’s NikeFuel points with love for their favorite college basketball teams. But they missed an opportunity to create something really special. A good friend posted on Facebook today, requesting his friends who were fellow alumni of his college to “pledge their Nike+ Fuel and get on board!”. As someone who has been working with

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