I’m presenting at The Empiricist League Tuesday, June 11th

If you want to see me in action, I’m presenting Tuesday (tomorrow) night on the “Future of Fast….How 3D printing is speeding up how we make everything” for the Empiricist League in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

I’m be touching on different aspects of 3D printing, from architectural applications through to bioprinting livers cells and skin grafts…and manufacturing, where I’ll be showing some very specific examples of how I use it to help bring products to market, quickly (in my case, jewelry!).

My speech is following George Musser, a former senior editor for Scientific American and the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to String Theory, and Chuck Blake (a former research scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT) so – big boots to fill! No pressure at all lol.

Here are links to some of the great source articles I used to pull this talk together: