MIT Reality Hack Hackathon: Part 1

Appearances & Press, Augmented reality, BCI, Brain - computer interface, Focus: AR/VR, Innovation, LinkedIn post, Virtual reality, XR

This is the transcript to accompany a GIIDE post. I just spent a wonderfully fun, intelligent, scintillating, and completely engaging 5 days at MIT at the “Reality Hack” hackathon as a mentor, and judge.  This is part 1, where I’ll be talking about the experience and what happens in a hackathon like this.  Part 2 will be about my impressions, insights and takeaways.  But first, for those who aren’t familiar – a hackathon is an event that takes developers, designers, UX people, and others, and throws them together for a few days to create

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MIT Reality Hack | Hackathon

Appearances & Press, Augmented reality, Focus: AR/VR, futureofwork, Virtual reality, XR

I’m extremely excited to have been chosen as a mentor and judge at the upcoming MIT Reality Hack, March 23-27, 2022. Five straight days of watching students and creators come together to create XR projects – the last one (in 2020) saw 75 teams create projects that included climate change visualizations in VR, AR storyboarding tools, spatialized hashtags, VR accessibility toolkits, VR games and much more. Am curious to see what they come up with this year!

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What is the Metaverse?

Augmented reality, Focus: AR/VR, Virtual reality

What follows is the transcript for a GIIDE entry, audio storytelling softward that makes audio fully interactive. I’ve seen so many articles and posts and pontifications and prognostications and just, well HYPE, about what the Metaverse means, since Mark Zuckerberg brought the concept into the public eye last fall with the Meta name change. Linkedin has caught FIRE with all of the experts. I’m generally speaking, hype averse – so have avoided adding my voice to the melee until now. As they say about opinions…everyone has one. And I certainly have my own –

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The future of work is virtual

Focus: AR/VR, LinkedIn post, Musing, Virtual reality, Virtual world technology, XR

Originally posted at #longpost #musing #futureofwork #XR #virtualreality When #Covid first hit, I don’t think anyone could foresee just how huge – and ultimately, permanent – its impact would be. I’ve been thinking a lot about the ramifications, through the lens of XR among others (but ultimately, rooted in human behavior!). From the beginning it seems apparent that many businesses would realize that a #distributedworkforce not only often works, but is an attractive option: cheaper than maintaining office space, but also the ability to recruit talent from anywhere. For people, many now prefer

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The end of loneliness

Digital Avatars, Focus: AR/VR, Macro trends, Thought bites, Virtual reality

Reposted from linkedin Heard a really sweet story today by Donna Z. Davis, Ph.D. at AWE (Augmented World Expo): she told the audience about an elderly woman with Parkinson’s, who regularly “meets” her tuxedo clad physically distant son (avatar) in VR to go dancing with him. *That’s* the power of VR for me. Not the whiz bang isn’t it cool game stuff, it’s the human element – and how much better it can make people’s lives. On the We Get Real AF Podcast (airing in June) I was asked what I thought the ultimate benefit of VR would be:

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Younger me is calling

Causes, Focus: AR/VR, LinkedIn post, Virtual reality

Just read this article: “Through the digital lens: How VR can inspire better managers“. Subheader is, “Virtual reality has the power to change the world. But first, it has to change how straight white men think.” It stuck a very personal chord. Doing my MBA at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, I was one of a small handful of women in a class of about 100 people. The professors’ speech defaulted to “he” and “him” for everything – I started raising my hand at every opportunity to point out the inherent “otherness” this created,

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