Not just a pretty face in the crowd: The future of Visual Search

Convergence, Personalization, Predictions, technology trends

I’m fascinated with the potential for visual search a la Google Goggles. It’s one of the newest ways to search and at the forefront of the next generation: it allows you to search from your cell phone by snapping a picture, and returns information about the building, object, business, etc. (true augmented reality). I first used it when passing a historic building, and was curious about it. My friend pulled out his phone, snapped a picture, and voila! – information about what it was, the architect, date and style, etc. So neat that I think

Not just a pretty face in the crowd: The future of Visual Search Read More »

Welcome 2011 – Garbo was on to something: Trends in digital privacy

Predictions, technology trends

Happy 2011 to everyone! I’ve been woefully bad at posting blog entries these last few weeks – largely due to preparation for moving across the country – which doesn’t at all mean that I haven’t been noticing trends and connecting dots while taping yet another box. 2010 was a dizzying year on many fronts and I think people are weary on many levels. The economy has consistently stayed slow, wave after wave of corruption has been uncovered, the “war” in the Middle East drags on, and domestic rhetoric increasingly has overtones of a civil

Welcome 2011 – Garbo was on to something: Trends in digital privacy Read More »

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